As announced in the news release in Human Power 55, page 5, the Human Power Institute (HuPI), primarly a virtual presence on the internet, was formed in January 2004 in order to promote the development and use of human power for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society. Founders of HuPI were Richard Ballantine, Theo Schmidt, John Snyder, Elrey John Stephens, Brian Wilson and David Gordon Wilson. The originally intended projects were described in the original background information.

An actually carried out project was the Human Power Archive CD. This is a complete archive of past issues of the paper journal Human Power which was produced by the International Human Powered Vehicle Association from 1977 to 2003. The archive was sponsored by Dave Wilson and is fully indexed and searchable. The CD is also mirrored on the internet, here by the IHPVA of 2009 (previously HPVA), and here slightly more complete by the WHPVA of 2009 (previously IHPVA).

Our ongoing project is Human Power eJournal.