[vph] Balade � v�lo-couch� en Italie, Bozen, 1er avril 2012

Jean-Charles Gosselin jeancharles.gosselin at gmail.com
Jeu 22 Mar 16:57:06 EDT 2012

Pour info, l'association italienne de VPH organise une randonn�e � Bozen
dans la province de Bolzano le 1er avril prochain.

J'ai l'impression que tout le monde est bienvenu !

Pour ceux qui le pourrait, le rendez-vous est � 9h � la Piazza Walther
(Walterplatz) de Bolzano :

Jean-Charles Gosselin

---------- Message transf�r� ----------
De : Paolo Baldissera <paolo.baldissera at propulsioneumana.it>
Date : 22 mars 2012 13:18
Objet : Italian recumbent meeting - Bolzano (Bozen) 1st April 2012

Dear HPV friends,
Propulsione Umana - Human Powered Vehicles Italia has (dis)-organized
MEETING in BOZEN-BOLZANO on 1st April 2012* (really, is not a joke!), and
we are happy to invite you all to participate.
The invitation is aimed in particular to the neighbors (CH, A and
south-DE), but is obviously valid for all national HPV members.
We really hope you can make it on such a short notice (next time we will
try to communicate in advance).

It is an opportunity for HPV lovers to meet, ride leisurely in a charming
country and share experiences, good food and drink. *No racing, just riding
all together.*
The itinerary will be about 60 km long, on gently rolling hills, 80% of it
on bike paths and the rest on secondary, low traffic roads. From Bozen we
will head for Caldaro and its beautiful lake along a wine route. We will
pass Engna and Ora, and have lunch in a local 'trattoria'. We'll then take
the Valle dell'Adige (Etschtal) bike path all the way back to Bozen.

Meet point: Piazza Walther (Walterplatz) in Bolzano at 9:00 am
Tour start at 10:00 am

In case, we ask for your kind confirmation to Giuseppe Prinzo:
beep7009 at gmail.com

We also hope this could be an opportunity to start a collaboration of
exchanges between neighbouring HPV clubs with meetings, competitions,
seminars, etc.

Best regards

Paolo Baldissera
Office +39 011 090 6917
Public calendar: http://doodle.com/paolob

*Chairman of Propulsione Umana - Human Powered Vehicles Italia
paolo.baldissera at propulsioneumana.it

*Technical Advisor of the Policumbent Team
<http://www.policumbent.it/> at Politecnico
di Torino <http://www.polito.it/>*

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